Wetter-Warnungen, Sörlunda


31.5. 11:00 AM 11:00 – 31.5. 7:00 PM 19:00

Rain showers that can produce large amounts in a short time.; What happens: A front brings during the afternoon and evening rain showers that can bring large amounts in a short time, around 40 mm. Thunderstorms may also occur.; What to expect: Traffic can be slower due to flooded roads. Risk of, for example, basements, stormwater systems, roads and viaducts being flooded.; Where: Västra Svealand and parts of Härjedalen; Comments: There are large local variations in the amounts of rain. Many places will not get such large amounts.


Nächste 24 Stunden

Weltwetter heute

Höchstwerte & Tiefstwerte weltweit

Min Max

Mein Wetter


Wetter in Örebro County